Fairer Enfield - staff consultation

Closed consultation
Start date:
23 October 2020
Closing date:
13 December 2020

Our proposed Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Details of the consultation

Our draft Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy ('Fairer Enfield') reinforces our duty to comply with relevant legislation and statutory requirements and as the borough continues to grow, confirms our commitment to improve equality and diversity for all who live, work and earn in Enfield. Furthermore, it outlines the behaviours and values that everyone working for the Council must demonstrate and the actions they must take in order to make this a reality.

We asked for your views on our draft Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy. Before you do, we suggest you click on the links below to view the draft Policy and the background report on the development of our proposed equalities objectives.

Draft Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy ('Fairer Enfield')

Background report on the development of our objectives

Who could participate

All staff were asked to share to share their views.

How the consultation was delivered

By questionnaire

Closing date

13 December 2020 (11.59pm).

Further information

If you have any queries about this consultation, please email haveyoursay@enfield.gov.uk

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