Draft Sustainable and Ethical Procurement Policy

Closed consultation
Start date:
02 July 2021
Closing date:
30 July 2021


Our draft Policy set out the Council’s approach to procuring goods, services and works in a way that benefits local communities and the local economy, minimises damage to the environment and ensures human rights are upheld in our supply chains.

Here are some details about the draft Policy:

View the Policy by clicking on the link below.

Draft Sustainable and Ethical Procurement Policy (PDF)

We asked for your views on the draft Policy.

Who could participate

Organisations who work with Enfield Council or might want to in the future, local businesses, and anyone who has an interest in sustainable and ethical practices.

How you shared your views

By email.

Closing date

Friday 30 July 2021 (5pm).

Further information

If you have any queries about this consultation or would like to receive feedback,, please email haveyoursay@enfield.gov.uk.

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