Draft Planning Enforcement Plan

Closed consultation
Start date:
16 July 2021
Closing date:
17 September 2021


Our draft Planning Enforcement Plan set out our proposed approach to dealing with breaches of planning regulations. It provided information and guidance to residents, developers and those with other interests, about how the Council could deal with any development that does not accord with national and local polices or where there is non-compliance with enforcement action already taken.

It aimed to balance the concerns of local people with the rights of owners and set out the nature and relevant timescales associated with taking enforcement action, where such action is warranted.

Production of a Planning Enforcement Plan is considered best practice in line with the Government’s National Planning Policy Framework.

It is expected the Plan will help the Council deliver its vision of good homes in well-connected neighbourhoods by making sure any breach of planning rules is dealt with appropriately.

You can view the summary (pdf) of the Plan at the time this consultation took place.

Who could participate

All those who work, study and live in the borough, local businesses, local amenity groups and anyone else with an interest in planning (for example, architects and planning agents).

How the consultation was delivered

By completing a questionnaire or by email.

Closing date

17 September 2021

Further information

If you have any queries about this consultation, please email consultation@enfield.gov.uk

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