- Status:
- Closed consultation
- Start date:
- 06 March 2023
- Closing date:
- 01 May 2023
We asked for your views on the updated Local Validation Requirements List, which set out the information which must be submitted as part of planning applications.
View the draft householder validation list (PDF) and the draft all other applications validation list (PDF).
What is the Local Validation Requirements List for planning applications?
The document set out the level of information required by the local planning authority to support a planning application. The Local Validation Requirements List aims to:
- Provide guidance on the national validation requirements as set out in the Development Management Procedure Order 2015 (as amended)
- List validation item requirements which are proportionate to the nature and scale of the proposal
- Provide guidance on our local information requirements and the type of information required to be submitted with an application
- Ensure that the Council complies with current best practice advice
- Ensure that the validation requirements are justified and supported by policies in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), the London Plan, Enfield’s Local Development Framework and any other relevant legislation
Who could participate
Those who live, work and study in the borough, as well as representatives from the voluntary and community sector and any other organisations.
How you could share your views
Via email sent to planning.support@enfield.gov.uk.
Closing date
Monday, 1 May 2023 (5.00pm)
Further information
If you have any queries about this consultation, please email planning.support@enfield.gov.uk.