- Status:
- Closed consultation
- Start date:
- 23 December 2021
- Closing date:
- 11 February 2021
We asked for your views and priorities as we work towards setting our budget for 2022/23, against a backdrop of having to address a budget gap of £11.641million as reported in the January MTFP update. The net impact of full year effect savings is a further pressure of £0.705m due to reversals of one-off savings, so a gap of £12.346m needs to be met through new savings initiatives. Within the October Cabinet report and the January Leader of the Council Decision, new savings totaling £8.614m have been put forward to help bridge this gap and work towards a balanced budget being set for 2022/23. The current remaining gap for 2022/23 is £3.732m.”
Further information was available in our Budget summary (PDF), Budget facts and figures (PDF) and the Savings proposals (PDF). You can also read the Leader's Report for further details.
Who could participate
Residents and representatives of voluntary and community sector organisations and local businesses.
How the consultation was delivered
By completing either a standard or easy read questionnaire.
Closing date
11 February 2022 (5.00pm).
Further information
If you have any queries about this consultation or would like to receive feedback,, please email haveyoursay@enfield.gov.uk.