Have your say on the 2021/22 Budget (phase 1)

Closed consultation
Start date:
17 December 2020
Closing date:
20 January 2021

We asked for your views on our savings proposals in the 2021/22.


We are having to manage the Council’s financial position in exceptionally challenging and uncertain times.

Our funding is under considerable strain due to:

  • Increased costs as a result of the Covid-19 crisis
  • Decrease in income from taxes
  • No growth in government funding
  • Growing pressure for demand-led services
  • Continued impact on income

If the Covid-19 Pandemic had not happened, we would only be looking to make a further £1.715m of savings in 2021/22 in addition to the £10.065m already proposed. However, to deal with the significant difference between our income and expenditure, we need to make savings of £18.117m in 2021/22 – and we will need to make further savings in future years too, to cover the gap.

In October, we reviewed our financial forecasts and the Council’s Cabinet agreed to proposed savings of £10.065m.

We asked for your views on our approach, especially the savings we are proposing.

Prior to submitting your views, we suggested you read our Budget summary, Budget facts and figures and the Savings proposals. The latter listed the actions we are proposing to take to address the budgetary issues we face.

Who could participate

All local people, businesses and Third Sector organisations are welcome to share their views

How the consultation was delivered

Local people (questionnaire) and local businesses and Third Sector organisations were asked to email us their responses.

Closing date

20 January 2021 (5pm)

Further information

If you have any queries about this consultation, please email consultation@enfield.gov.uk

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