Let's Talk Enfield Town

Closed consultation
Start date:
01 October 2020
Closing date:
15 November 2020


Enfield Council is focused on working with the community to create a healthy town centre, that encourages more people to visit and enjoy their time in Enfield Town. As such, we brought forward proposals to deliver new and improved public spaces, alongside better pedestrian, bus and cycling facilities that will mean people can get around the town centre, more easily, in an active and sustainable manner, and enjoy several new and improved public spaces.

The proposed plan included a range of measures to improve the Town Centre for the community for generations to come. Key aspects of the proposed plan included:

  • Increasing the number of formal signalised pedestrian crossings throughout the Town Centre
  • Increasing the width of footways where possible to prioritise space for pedestrians
  • Introducing a formal 20 mph speed limit on all roads in the town centre
  • Placing a particular focus on improving the pedestrian connection between the Market Square and Pearsons shop front / shopping centre entrance
  • Improving the pedestrian arrival at Enfield Town Station
  • Introducing a series of facilities to enable safer cycling through the town centre and creating connections with other cycle routes
  • Creating a better connection between the Library Green and Enfield Town Park
  • Creating a new public square at the junction of Little Park Gardens and Church Street (outside Nationwide Building Society)
  • Introducing 15 formal blue badge disabled bays throughout the Town Centre
  • Collaborating with the Old Enfield Charitable Trust and Vicar of St Andrew's Church to enhance the Market Square as the heart of the Town Centre
  • Creating an improved public space on ‘Fountain Island’

Who could participate

People who live, work or study in Enfield Town, as well as visitors.

How the consultation was delivered

Online questionnaire. 

Closing date

15 November 2020

Further information

If you have any queries or require assistance in participating in this consultation, please email letstalk@enfield.gov.uk

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