There are organisations that can provide you with advice and support, including:
Informed Families can help you to search for childminders, pre-schools and playgroups near to where you live.
You may be entitled to free childcare of up to 570 hours of funded education per year for your child if your child receives the Disability Living Allowance or they have a Statement of Special Educational Needs (SEN) or an Education, Health and Care Plan. You can apply for this through the Informed Families Terrific Twos.
Some specialist schools provide training for parents in British Sign Language at no cost, speak to your child’s school to find out if this is available.
Enfield children and young people who have a hearing impairment are supported through the Sensory Support Service (PDF, 115.63 KB). They provide information, advice and support regarding educational management and all aspects of hearing impairment. This could include language and communication, listening equipment and social and emotional wellbeing.
They work closely with babies, children, young people, families, carers, staff in educational settings, and key professionals in the NHS and social care. The support offered ranges from weekly to occasional visits throughout the year and visits to pre-school children and their families or carers at home, their local children’s centre or another place of their choice.
All primary, special and secondary schools in Enfield have an allocated advisory teacher who will meet regularly with the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) to discuss the requirements of hearing impaired children that have been identified as having a special educational need. Parents can access support by contacting the Hearing Impairment team directly, or by asking the SENCo in their child’s setting to contact them.
The National Sensory Impairment Partnership (NatSIP) is used to decide on initial support levels for each individual family. The level of support is reviewed and adjusted regularly in consultation with the advisory teacher, families, carers and other professionals.
Joint Service for Disabled Children
Enfield’s Joint Service for Disabled Children is an important partnership. It brings together health, education and social care, parents, voluntary groups and other organisations, to create and promote opportunities for disabled children and their families.
We aim to make sure that families have the support they need to 'live ordinary family lives as a matter of course'. For more information on any of these services visit our Enfield's Local Offer for SEND.