Adopting a child

Adopt London

Adopt London is London’s regional adoption agency comprising of all 23 local authority adoption teams across London.

The goal of these new nationwide regional agencies is to increase adopter recruitment so that they are approving the same number of adopters as the number of children to be placed, increase recruitment for children that are hardest to place and improve and standardise adoption support with a focus on early intervention. The team will also support adopted adults and birth families.

Adopt London North logo

Adopt London North

Adopt London North is the hub for the six North London local authorities:

They provide the best possible service for children waiting to be adopted and for anyone in north London who want to adopt. Working as one sub-region means they can continue to offer a greater range of choice for children and adopters to reduce delays.

For information about adopting with Adopt London North, visit Adopt London. Otherwise, please feel free to contact the team with any questions you may have on 020 7527 4777 or email