Single person’s discount review

We are carrying out a review of Council Tax discounts currently in place across the Borough. If you have recently received a review email or review letter in the post, our records show that you have been receiving a 25% discount in your council tax bill because you are the sole adult occupant of this property.

We are committed to keeping Council Tax to a minimum level by:

To make sure you receive the correct discount and pay the correct amount of Council Tax, you can complete your single person’s discount review online

Complete your single person's discount review

To access the form you need your unique pin number that you can find on the review letter or review email sent to you. You will need to confirm your current circumstances.

If you have questions regarding the form or require further information, view the frequently asked questions (PDF, 115.66 KB).

If you need assistance in completing the forms, you may go to any of the libraries.

It is a criminal offence to claim a discount you are not entitled to. We will act against anyone falsely claiming a discount. You must tell us of any change in your circumstance which may affect your entitlement to a discount.

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