Report a change in circumstances

If you currently get Universal Credit, you must tell the Department for Work and Pensions of any changes in your circumstances.

If you currently get Housing Benefit, you must tell us if there has been a change in your circumstances.

Changes you need to tell us about

Change of income

If the income changes for you, your partner or other members of your household, you will need to provide proof of the changes (such as a payslip, employment letter or contract). If your employer has changed, you need to provide the new name and address, phone number and email address. If you're self-employed, provide the name and address of the business.

Change of savings

You will need to let us know if your savings, or those of you and your partner increase above £6,000. This does not apply if you get Guarantee Pension Credit.


You will need to tell us if you are moving and provide your forwarding address. If you have moved within Enfield, you will need to provide:

Someone has moved in or out of your property

You will need to tell us if someone moves in or moves out of your property. If the person moving in is your partner, you need to provide proof of their:

Absent from your home

You will need to let us know if you’re away from your home for more than 4 weeks. If you’re going abroad, this may mean your benefits could stop.


You must let us know if anyone in your household becomes a student.

How to provide evidence

You must provide original proof of identity in person for you and your partner. These should be taken to either Enfield Town Library or Edmonton Green Library. They should not be sent in the post.

If you have a smart phone, you can email photos of all other documents to The subject line of your email must be your Housing Benefit reference number inside pointed brackets, for example <XXXXXXXX>. Attach the photo of your documents and send an explanation if needed. You will receive an automated response to confirm we have received your email.

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